Door Envy Makeovers!

Do you ever drive past a home and just say "WOW"? There's just something about a beautifully painted front entrance that makes a home just stand out among the rest, you know the one, the one that has that flair and character. Makes you just know that there must be a very interesting story and family that is beyond that door.

This is the inspiration photo that I used to come up with the color, in particular the bright vibrant green and the rich purple of the wall. This homeowner has a deep love for the Mexican culture and is just moved by all of the rich colors that embrace the Mexican heritage. She wanted to be reminded of that feeling and wanted her entrance to reflect her personality and love for color!

I first layered the door with a bright pop of a green/yellow base, I would call it almost chartreuse in tone (it looks a bit more yellow in the photo than in true life) I matched it up close to the color of the chair so I would get that bight layer peeking through once the top layers are on.

Next is that deep rich purple tone just like the walls in the inspirational photo. I did a "dragging" dry brush application on this particular layer still leaving areas let uncovered allowing the bright tone to show through.

Time to glaze!!! This is where the magic happens! I just brushed on the dark glaze with a brush working in small sections, and immediately wiped it back off. I work very quickly when doing this stage so that the glaze does not dry out trying hard not to go back over it and overwork any of the areas. This will cause your glaze to pull back off in areas and it gets clumpy, so try to ignore that urge to keep going back over a section once you leave it.

So this is the final outcome, once your glaze is applied you can go back in and add little areas of the two base colors here and there if you want just to add a bit more dimension. This dimension is what gives the feeling that it has been painted years ago and is weathered naturally through the years.

This beautiful Red door was created for a local Holistic center, they requested a healing "chakra" color, a color that "gets to the root of the problem".......the interpretation is that of an antiqued barn finishe with just a hint of golden metallic for that extra shimmer that just slightly cathes the light. Just beautiful!

Here are more "door envy" projects I have created in the past, this particular door was for a brand new home, the homeowner here wanted the door to look as though it had been there and had aged gracefully throughout the years, I think it turned out beautifully!

You would never have even noticed the door on this house before it's door envy makeover, see what that extra attention to your front entrance does? Just amazing!

This "door envy makeover" is still one of my absolute faves! The homeowner here said she needed something that would coordinate year round with her oversized cobalt blue planters. I immediately knew it had to be a bold purple/with a little fusia undertone. But how could I properly relay how this will look to my customer? Luckily I came across this photo of a beautiful bridesmaids dress that had the exact colors I had in mind! My brave customer said "yes, go for it". And I must say it turned out GORGEOUS! Don't ya just love it when a plan comes to fruition??

Would YOU like to have a "door envy" makeover?? I'm booking appointments now, contact me to discuss details. This same technique can be made to any piece of furniture too! Have something you would like made over? Just give me a yell :)
See you all next time, and remember to keep those brushes wet!!!
Don't just blend in...stand Out!
Curb appeal!
Can you tell me what you used to paint the turquoise door? And instructions? I absolutely love it and want to do my doors!
Can I get a list of everything I need to do this to my door please? Instructions too. Thanks so much. Looks awesome.
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