Easy Statement Piece: How to Apply a Transfer to a Dresser

*Disclaimer: I sell many of the products linked in this blog post in my shop. By clicking the link you may be taken to a product page in my store.*

Turn any plain Jane piece of furniture into a statement piece for your home easily using any Iron Orchid Design transfer. 

DIY A Statement Dresser Girl UPcycled Studio

Why I love IOD transfers:

  • They have both colorful and black and white options that you can paint yourself
  • They’ve put a lot of thought into making their products easy to use, like adding graph lines behind the artwork to make it easy to line up
  • Each one comes with a handy little tool to make the transfer rubbing easy

For the dresser transformation project I featured in this quick video tutorial, I chose to use one of the colored designs. This will make getting that statement piece you’re dreaming about quick and easy!


To extend the design fully across the front of the dresser, I also used a variety of IOD stamps and DIY Paint in Little Black Dress (check out the bottom of the post to shop materials directly!). I applied the paint in a thin layer using a brayer tool and placing the stamps around and overlapping the transfer design. 

Pro tip: pay special attention to the areas around your drawer seams and run a razor blade around the edges before opening them to get cleaner breaks. I also lightly sand the edges to make sure nothing is sticking up and make the holes for the drawer pulls are clear.

You can protect and finish your piece with the product of your choosing. For my project I used a combination of Debi’s Design Diary Clear Wax and Dark Wax to add an aged effect to the edges of the piece. I alternated between the clear and dark wax along the edges to get a soft, blended effect. 

Looking for some other transfer project ideas? Check out this sweet little side table I recently spruced up:


Products used for floral statement dresser:

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