The Girl UPcycled Studio Blog

When I saw you, I fell in love

Transform a piece with a beautiful glazed finish!

Road kill or Road thrill? You decide
Can you believe I found these on the side of the road?!? Yes indeedy, I kid you not! We live pretty far out on an old curvy country road and evidently the neighbors in the farmhouse down they way were...
About girl UPcycled

A Lil bit about who Girl UPcycled is-the good the bad the ugly??


Repurpose, restyle, reupholster

Mangy Things

Hey darlin' whatcha gonna do with those "Mangy Things"

The Marriage of Barbed Wire and a Paint Brush

marriage of barbed wire and a brush

A tale of a tossed and tattered table

check out this amazing upcycle!

Learning to play
The name is Girl UPcycled, and no not every single thing I do is "technically" considered an UPcycled project but rather Girl UPcycled represents me and my personal life and story and how I have UPcycled my life lessons and...